Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Week 10: #23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning...

Ta...Da....I am finished.
I made many discoveries along the way. My favorites I would say were creating a blog, library elf (most used as of now), Flickr, Avatars and Downloadable Media...then Podcasting.

I hope to remember everything I learned so I can continue using these or find time to delve deeper into the topics where time limited me.

This program fit right into my career goals and at the perfect time.

The only take away --- time. It was difficult to always find time to do the exercises. I found myself 2-6 exercises behind at times which left me a little panicky since I'd come so far and didn't want to lose out on the lessons or the training hours. As it turns out, I am finishing on time. I do like having the option of gaining some training hours online. I don't know if I'd want it to totally replace other in person training but I definitley think it has its place.

Merry Christmas!

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