Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 8: #18 Social Networking: Making friends in the comfort of your own home

I am familiar with the social networking sites though I don't use most of them. The only one I take part in is LinkedIn. It is one of the few ways I keep up with people from my previous career News/Broadcast and my PR contacts since I still freelance producer/write.

I have several friends who use MySpace. Interestingly, most of them have teens. I think their teens actually got them hooked. It scares me to put info out their like they do even if I can keep my info on private. Not to mention, it seem like just one more thing to keep up with since I already use email and the telephone to talk to people. I don't know how people find the time.

I'd just recently been introduced to Facebook by coworkers before this exercise came up. Again, not sure if it is something I'd ever do but it is fun, interesting and even scary reading some of the sites on both My Space and Facebook. Lets you see who's loose in this world. HA.

I thought the ratemyspace site was interesting. Don't know that I'd participate myself but I enjoyed looking through the SPACES to see how people decorated, what their gardens looked like etc.

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